Paper Submission

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit high quality original, previously unpublished, experimental or theoretical research papers for presentation at the Conference. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The paper should be in the format strictly as per the Paper Template given below. The papers should be drafted in English with a maximum of Ten (10) pages and minimum of 6 pages including figures, tables and references. The paper will be peer reviewed (Double Blind) by domain experts of the respective tracks by the Technical Program Committee. Authors should submit the papers through google forms. Kindly do not submit the paper multiple times; it may lead to cancellation of your paper.

Template Download

Download paper template (Microsoft Word) Click Here.

Plagiarism Policy

Any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. The conference team will be checking the plagiarism level of all the submitted papers for ensuring the originality of content using Turnitin with an acceptable limit of 20%.

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